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Transparent OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate

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  • Transparent OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
e-print provides various types of Label sticker for your selection.  We offering the high value products in best price!
  • Transparent OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Size (mm) / pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    10 x 10 72.20 81.70 91.10 112.80 119.40 140.10
    15 x 15 76.20 86.30 96.30 119.70 127.50 151.80
    20 x 20 81.60 92.60 103.50 129.20 138.70 168.20
    25 x 25 88.60 100.80 112.90 141.50 153.30 189.20
    30 x 30 97.10 110.70 124.30 156.40 170.90 214.90
    35 x 35 107.30 122.60 137.80 174.10 191.80 245.20
    40 x 40 118.90 136.20 153.40 194.60 215.90 280.20
    45 x 45 132.20 151.70 171.00 217.70 243.30 320.00
    50 x 50 146.90 168.80 190.70 243.50 273.80 364.30
    55 x 55 163.40 188.00 212.50 272.20 307.60 413.40
    60 x 60 181.20 208.80 236.40 303.50 344.60 467.00
    65 x 65 200.70 231.60 262.30 337.60 384.90 525.40
    70 x 70 221.70 256.00 290.30 374.30 428.30 588.40
    75 x 75 244.30 282.40 320.40 413.80 475.00 656.20
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Size (mm) \ pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    10 x 10 93.90 105.20 115.60 126.90 140.10 160.90
    15 x 15 97.90 109.90 120.80 133.80 148.30 172.60
    20 x 20 103.30 116.20 128.10 143.40 159.50 188.90
    25 x 25 110.30 124.40 137.40 155.60 174.00 210.00
    30 x 30 118.80 134.30 148.80 170.50 191.70 235.60
    35 x 35 129.00 146.20 162.30 188.30 212.60 266.00
    40 x 40 140.60 159.80 177.90 208.70 236.70 301.00
    45 x 45 153.90 175.20 195.50 231.80 264.00 340.70
    50 x 50 168.60 192.40 215.20 257.70 294.60 385.00
    55 x 55 185.00 211.60 237.00 286.40 328.40 434.10
    60 x 60 202.90 232.40 260.90 317.70 365.30 487.80
    65 x 65 222.40 255.10 286.80 351.70 405.60 546.20
    70 x 70 243.40 279.60 314.90 388.40 449.00 609.20
    75 x 75 266.00 306.00 345.00 428.00 495.70 676.90
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Size (mm) / pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    10 x 10 114.70 124.10 140.10 166.60 192.00 212.80
    15 x 15 118.60 128.70 145.30 173.40 200.10 224.50
    20 x 20 124.00 135.00 152.60 183.00 211.40 240.80
    25 x 25 131.10 143.30 161.90 195.20 225.90 261.80
    30 x 30 139.60 153.20 173.40 210.10 243.50 287.50
    35 x 35 149.80 165.00 186.80 227.90 264.50 317.90
    40 x 40 161.40 178.60 202.40 248.40 288.50 352.90
    45 x 45 174.70 194.10 220.00 271.50 315.90 392.60
    50 x 50 189.40 211.30 239.80 297.30 346.50 436.90
    55 x 55 205.80 230.40 261.60 326.00 380.20 486.00
    60 x 60 223.60 251.30 285.40 357.30 417.20 539.70
    65 x 65 243.20 274.00 311.40 391.40 457.50 598.10
    70 x 70 264.10 298.40 339.40 428.10 500.90 661.10
    75 x 75 286.70 324.90 369.50 467.60 547.60 728.80
  • OPP Sticker + Gloss Laminate
    Size (mm) / pcs 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
    10 x 10 133.50 147.70 176.00 197.70 232.60 295.80
    15 x 15 137.50 152.30 181.20 204.60 240.70 307.50
    20 x 20 142.90 158.60 188.40 214.10 251.90 323.80
    25 x 25 150.00 166.80 197.80 226.40 266.50 344.90
    30 x 30 158.40 176.70 209.20 241.30 284.10 370.50
    35 x 35 168.60 188.60 222.70 259.00 305.00 400.90
    40 x 40 180.20 202.20 238.30 279.50 329.10 435.90
    45 x 45 193.50 217.70 255.90 302.60 356.50 475.60
    50 x 50 208.30 234.90 275.60 328.40 387.00 520.00
    55 x 55 224.70 254.00 297.40 357.10 420.80 569.00
    60 x 60 242.50 274.90 321.30 388.40 457.80 622.70
    65 x 65 262.00 297.60 347.20 422.50 498.10 681.10
    70 x 70 283.00 322.00 375.20 459.20 541.50 744.10
    75 x 75 305.60 348.40 405.30 498.70 588.20 811.80

'*Square / Rectangle / Round / Oval only